Towcester Community Fridge
FREE to everyone, with short-dated food surplus being rescued from local supermarkets and businesses and distributed during regular drop-in sessions. The amount and type of food varies from day to day with each session operating until all the perishable food is distributed.
Open Mondays, Wednesdays (10am) and Fridays (4pm)
Community Larder
A membership programme that provides access to surplus groceries (store cupboard items and fruit and vegetables) at heavily subsidised rates. A consistent supply chain guaranteed due to the subscription to SOFEA, an organisation that works closely with FareShare to distribute surplus food from supermarkets and businesses. Membership (£10 per year) is open to EVERYONE.
Open Monday in Roade (1.30 - 2.15pm) and Thursdays in Towcester (10 - 10.45am)
The Towcester Foodbank
Emergency food to people in crisis. Please call 07724 832043 for more information or see a member of the Community Fridge team to get a referral.
